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Our Contributors

Dr. Bill Bauerle

Assistant Professor, Nursery Research and Extension

Department of Horticulture

150 Poole Agricultural Building

Clemson University

Clemson SC 29634-0319

Tel: (864) 656-7433


Dr. Bauerle's picture

Bill Bauerle received his B.S. from Colorado State University in  Landscape and Nursery Management, M.S. in Environmental Horticulture from the University of Washington and Ph.D. in Horticulture Plant Physiology and Environmental Information and Analysis from Cornell University. His masters and doctoral work focused on tree stress p hysiological water stress response mechanisms.

In 2001, he joined the faculty of Clemson University, where his program focuses on tree physiology and modeling their response to multiple stresses. He has conducted educational programs and demonstration research in horticulture with the nursery and landscape industries. His research and extension program is focused on water management for nursery and landscape operations.

Since 1999, he has published 24 refereed journal articles, 18 conference papers and, has over 30 trade , web and other articles to his credit. In the last five years, he and his Clemson team have given over 50 invited presentations on environmental stress management and over 60 contributed presentations at various national and international conferences. He is active in the American Society of Horticulture Science and the Ecological Society of America. Further information on all these programs can be found on his Clemson University Faculty webpage at http://people.clemson.edu/~bauerle/BillBauerle.htm




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Dr. Bill Bauerle

Dr. Richard Beeson

Dr. Ted Bilderback

Dr. Susan D. Day

Sarah Dickinson

Dr. Roger Harris

Dr. Chuan Hong

Dr. John Lea-Cox

Mary Lorscheider

Dr. David Ross

Dr. Andrew Ristvey

Dr. John M. Ruter

Dr. Tom Yeager