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Industry Facts and Figures for Florida

Florida’s Nursery & Landscape Industry

Nursery crops are one of the largest agricultural commodity groups in Florida, along with fruits,vegetables and forest products. Florida is a leading state, ranked second only to California in the US in terms of overall industry value.

In 2005, total sales by Florida nursery, landscape service firms and horticulture retailers were $15.2 billion. Sales skyrocketed in comparison to sales in 2000, growing by 54%

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Nursery Grower Sales

$3.007 Billion

Landscape Sales

$5.255 Billion

Garden Center Retail Sales

$6.971 Billion


$15.23 Billion

Funded jointly by the Farm Credit Associations of Florida and the Florida Nursery, Growers & Landscape Association (FNGLA), this landmark study measures the economic value of various segments of Florida's nursery and landscape industry. For the first time, sales and employment data for all of Florida’s 67 counties are included. This study also captures hurricane-related lost sales and structural damage figures for both 2004 and 2005.

Study investigators were University of Florida economists:
Dr. Alan Hodges awhodges@ufl.edu
Dr. John Haydu jjh@mail.ifas.ufl.edu

For more information on the Economic Impact Study contact FNGLA. E-Mail: info@fngla.org Phone: 800.375.3642. The Executuve Summary is available by clicking the icon above or by downloading the PDF to the right. To access a copy of the complete 2005 Economic Impact Study, CLICK HERE.


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