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Industry Facts and Figures for Maryland

Maryland : 2003 Horticulture Industry Economic Profile

Source: Maryland Nursery and Landscape Association Website at http://www.mnlaonline.org/home.html

While we can only imagine the total impact plants have on the economy of our state, we can quantify the value of horticulture at its headwaters. In a survey performed by the USDA - Maryland Agricultural Statistics Service and underwritten by the Maryland Nursery and Landscape Association, the following statistical profile offers a basis of understanding and insight for the value of horticulture in Maryland .

Here are a few highlights from the statistical profile:

Gross receipts were nearly $1.04 billion in 2003

•  Retail sales accounted for 55% ($564.42 million)

•  Landscape Installation/Maintenance accounted for 23% ($234.75 million)

•  Wholesale sales accounted for 21% ($220.12 million)

•  Other categories accounted for 1% ($15.97 million)

Woody plants topped product sales

•  Woody plants 35% ($293.14 million)

•  Annuals 26% ($219.87 million)

•  Herbaceous Perennials 19% ($158.89 million)

•  Aquatics 8% ($62.12 Million)

•  Other products 12% ($97.37 million)

Maryland horticulture businesses maintained 16,061 acres in 2003,
including 17.7 million square feet of covered (greenhouse) space and sales and holding areas.

Of all plants sold in Maryland 43% are Maryland grown

Over 12,800 people are employed by the industry

•  Majority (53%) are employed for over 150 days

•  Average labor wage is $9.08/hr- (nearly $4.00/hr above minimum)

Download the Executive Summary (PDF format - 34.1 KB)


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